Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • mihird
    07-12 10:17 AM
    This is beginning to look more and more like a organized and deliberate attempt to block people from filing for AOS.....

    Dude, the whole system is setup and organized wrongly deliberately..
    In the guise of fairness and promoting racial diversity, the system is deliberately setup so that countries that supply most labor backlog all the time....

    Phillippines for healthcare workers
    Chindia for technology workers
    Mexico for low skilled workers

    This gives businesses that employ the imported labor the opportunity to exploit the employees at will.

    There are always unused visa numbers and oversubscribed countries in the system all the time...this gives politicians the leeway to throttle immigration as they want...through the DOS bulletins...the July fiasco was just an extreme example of this practice....

    Even if a point based system is brought in, the per country fixed quotas will not go away....and thus the retrogression will continue....yes, you qualify through the point based system, but since a lot more from your country qualify go the end of the line...

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  • chanduv23
    09-29 02:05 PM
    I was wondering what one would see in the online case status if an RFE/NOID is issued. Anyone has any text that would appear on the Case status application?

    RFE - "We have sent a letter requesting further information ......."

    NOID - Usually no message - atleast in my case (only soft LUD)

    When you respond - The status is "Response received case reopened ......."

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  • roseball
    10-15 04:07 PM
    I think the same. As my latest passport shows no visa except the AP entry stamp, they are confused how did I travel to India earlier. My wife explained them that I used AP, but they still believe that a visa page is missing in the supporting docs. So they have retained the passport and asked to submit 'current copy of husband's visa'. Now I am going to write a personal letter explaining the same and attaching the original I-797 which has my I-94.

    Did you have your wife take copies of all pages from your passport. If not, I suggest you send them along with the letter. Also attach copy of your AP.

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  • mishras
    05-14 10:47 AM


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  • prem_goel
    03-07 08:06 PM
    Hello Ann,
    I very much appreciate and thankful for your last reply. Unfortunately, the prospective employer did not agree to file her COS due to some of their own internal regulations.

    Now, the current employer through which my sister came here on B1 wants her here but is not willing to file a B1 Extension. Instead, they want her to travel back to India on the day her I-94 expires, and come back again immediately within a week, so that she can again continue to be here for another 90 days.

    I wanted to ask your opinion if you think that'll be a problem at Port of Entry? Ofcourse, my sister is going to carry all her documents and the letter, but I do not know if the Immigration Officer at PoE would create any problems/issue? This company however is a well-known company in the ranks of Google, Microsoft etc. That's the only consolation we have that it might be just okay.

    Please advise,

    Hi Prem,

    As long as your sister is complying with the terms of her B-1 admission, she is entitled to begin work for the new employer as soon as that employer files an H-1 petition requesting a change of status on her behalf. Pay stubs from her original H employer should not be required. The language quoted below is from a Nov. 2000 USCIS Q&A:

    "Q10: Who is eligible to use the H1B "portability" provisions?

    A10: The portability provisions allow a nonimmigrant alien previously issued an H-1B visa or otherwise accorded H-1B status to begin working for a new H-1B employer as soon as the new employer files an H-1B petition for the alien. Previously, aliens in this situation had to await INS approval before commencing the new H-1B employment. These provisions apply to H-1B petitions filed "before, on, or after" the date of enactment, so all aliens who meet this definition can begin using the portability provisions.

    Q11: Are there any other limitations on the portability provisions?

    A11: An alien must have been lawfully admitted into the United States. The new employer must have filed a "non-frivolous" petition while the alien was in a period of stay authorized by the Attorney General. A non-frivolous petition is one that has some basis in law or fact. INS plans to further define this in its implementing regulations. Subsequent to such lawful admission, the alien must not have been employed without authorization."

    However, if the request for a change of status is made too soon after her arrival USCIS could find that she committed fraud at entry. For that reason, I strongly advise that nothing be filed (including the LCA)until your sister has been here at least 30 days, and preferably 60 days.

    Also, if your sister was out of the US for a year or more, there is a possibility that she might be subject to the H-1 cap.

    Hope this information is helpful.


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  • anantc
    09-20 03:28 PM
    What is the Website-url for USCIS for tracking the 140? :confused:


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  • neverbefore
    08-07 03:19 AM
    I came to US 5 years back in H4. My husband processed GC and 140 is cleared and 485 pending. I got my EAD and now working. My husband and I have problems and he is threatening to ruin my life.
    Can I know a few things
    1. Can he take me out of the GC ?
    2. Can he revoke my EAD ?
    3. Can my employee extend my EAD which is expiring in 2010 and continue my GC.
    please help...

    The people exhorting you to resolve your differences with your spouse are the ones who are helping you the most. Please help yourself by heeding them. :)

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  • fundo14
    02-19 12:36 PM
    Hi All,

    I wanted to share my experience at the port of entry using AP.

    Just to give a quick background me and my wife have been working on H1 for last 8 years, we both were working on our H1’s at the time of leaving for vacation one month back.
    Our 485/EAD/AP was filed on July 2nd, 2007; my wife is a Primary Applicant.

    We have our 485 receipts/ approved EAD’s and AP’s with us.

    Also, our H1 Petition’s are valid till 2010 but the stamping on passport is expired, we did not get stamping in India as we intended to enter using AP

    At the Port of entry this is how it went:

    Officer: Very rudely asked for our passports & I-94
    We gave him our Passports, I-94 forms and Original AP’s

    Officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?
    Our Answer: To join back at our respective work.

    Officer: Work? Who’s the primary applicant?
    My answer: My wife

    Officer: Then how the hell you will work here, you cannot work here, only your wife can work as the petition is on her name, you are a derivative.
    My answer: But I have work Authorization (showed our EAD cards)

    Officer: That’s all bullhshit, does not mean anything…you can not work here.
    My answer: I politely told him that sir when we left country a month ago we both were working on H1’s, now we are seeking entry on AP.

    Officer: yeh but don’t do fraud, you cannot work here (Very rudely)...who told you that you can work here.
    My Answer: Again I explained politely- Sir, we filed for 485 which made us eligible to get EAD’s, showed him the EAD card again (which clearly states “Authorized to work in US till validity of this card” Our EAD’s are valid till end of 2008)

    Officer: listen don’t teach me law, I have been working here for “x” number of years, and you think you know laws better than me.

    After this I and my wife decided to keep quite as that moron was not ready to listen and understand anything.

    Officer (rudely): I will set this straight for you…then we were asked to follow him in a separate room. Many people were waiting there I guess most of them using AP

    The Officer went to one other custom officer there and pointed towards us and explained him something which we could not hear.

    We waited � an hour till our named was called…I was worried that they will now create lot problems for us but to my surprise we were just handed our Passports along with AP’s / I-94 stamped as “AOS” and told you are all set... Absolutely No questions asked.

    I am worried if he has entered some nasty remarks on my case…not sure.

    Now this entire incident makes me wonder what that officer was talking about, my guess is one of the following:

    1. He assumed throughout that my wife is entering on H1 and I on H4
    2. Or he did realize his mistake but was too egoistic to accept it.
    3. Or he was right and I was wrong about working on EAD (being derivative) I missing something here??

    One of my suggestion from all this experience is that anybody entering on AP always state the purpose of visit is to “Resume pending AOS”

    In last 8 years I have re-entered US like 6 times but never faced such a rude Immigration officer or have been treated like this.

    Guru’s please advice if there is a possibility to reinstate our status as H1, we would rather work on H1 then on EAD’s



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  • Green.Tech
    06-19 12:32 PM

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  • Berkeleybee
    05-17 01:35 PM
    I listened to President's speech last Monday on immigration.But,he did not mention anything about legal immigration issues. I think ,we should send a memorandum or mass letter from each members of IV to the President.

    We should communicate our problems. If everybody sends letter to the IV Team and they can submit all the letters to the President's Office. What do you think ? Any comments ? Is there any better way of communicating to the President ?


    The president's speech was focusing on undocumented worker and border security issues because those are the issues that might bring this current version of CIR down.

    Our issues are relatively non-controversial. We also know that the White House is absolutely aware of our issues and fully supportive.



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  • usirit
    11-21 12:21 AM
    I second this. In fact I would say if you are ROW-EB3, see how you can find a job that allows you to file your GC in EB2. Even if you dont like the job. You will need to stick to it maybe an year or two and then you'll have your GC and will be all set!
    Meridiani.planum.... Thanks for your reply....
    Is the GC under EB-2 that quick? I wonder why my attorney didn't try to FIT me on EB-2... I'll definitely research my 'fitting' options as an EB-2.... now, do you know if are there hidden issues on getting a GC as an EB-2 rather than an EB-3? Or, Is a GC the same regardless the employment-based category?

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  • wellwishergc
    04-03 09:50 AM
    I think, it makes more sense for us to strive for 'I-485 filing without PD being current' and 'removal of hard country quota' issues rather than striving for the 'self GC application'..

    Let us focus on issues which is an extension of the current framework for legal immigration. I do not think it will be in our interest to compare our provisions with the ones of undocumented workers.

    Just my opinion!!!; IV core team can best decide on the approach. Is there any updates on our attempts to ammend for the 'I-485 filing clause' and the 'removal of hard country quota' clause?

    Yes if you are able to prove your illegal stay here and willing to wait for 6 years before applying for your GC, then you can do go this route. Also remember, it is possible that as of now there is no specific category under which these undocumented people can file their GCs. It is possible that you might have to wait another god know how many years before you actually get it.


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  • gccovet
    08-22 03:09 PM
    I am changing my employer and wanted to retain the services of legal firm representing current employer. Upon asking that I want to retain their services after I leave current employer, I have been told to pay upfront retainer fee of $2500.

    - Is it normally the case? I have been told that this fee will be put in my account with the firm and used to pay the charges for the services I request.

    - If with God's grace my case is approved without requiring attorney's help, is this retainer refundable in full (I have asked attorney this question and waiting for thier reply). Anybody has a similar experience.

    The firm is trying to milk you. looks like better switch the lawyer, appears to be greedy.
    my 2 cents...

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  • whitecollarslave
    08-04 04:02 PM
    I have a copy of the I-140 Approval Notice. It does not have A# nor any field for A#. What am I missing? Guys, please clarify.


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  • Lasantha
    04-15 09:00 PM
    Congratulations !!! I am very happy for you!

    Hi folks,

    Just got back from UK on Friday after a month of family time, medicals and our embassy interview! Wanted to let you all know that we were approved and happily back in the US!!

    Congrats on the latest admin wins and movements in campaigns/projects. I wanted to say a huge thank you but not farewell to the many kind folks who kept my spirits high in the short time I have been with IV:
    abhijitp, needhelp, digital2k, paskal, gsc999, waiting4gc, pappu, chanduv23, santb1975, nolaindian32, walking dude, ja1hind, logiclife and many more. All of you rock and America is very lucky to have such genuine and brilliant people like you. I wish you the very best for your own journey.

    I will be around for sure, just have to concentrate on securing some work and life for a bit, finally!

    my best :)

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  • GooblyWoobly
    07-18 07:23 PM
    Even my case is similar. I requested my attorney to file my EAD and AP along with I-485 at the same time. But they did not apply for EAD and AP and but instead just filed I-485. Now they are saying they can't file for my EAD and AP until they get the I-485 receipt notice. What a mess??? Now I've pay lots of amount for EAD and AP. By the way my attroney is Murthy Law Firm. I bet yours would be the same

    Actually my attorney is not Murthy. It's my employer's attorney, and they are pretty good. It was a company decision not to file EAD/AP since we were sure at that time our application will get rejected. It was just a mean to get onto the lawsuit beneficiary.


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  • TomTancredo
    12-10 03:05 PM
    GC Title : Jr. Programmar Analyst

    GC Job Desc:

    Assist Programmer Analyst in researching, designing and developing softare for various business problems using J2EE and
    object-oriented design principles and technologies including UML and Watenall models, and RUP process. Assist in testing
    softare solutions using Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts, Servlets, Swing on Unix and Windows NT. Assist in developing softare for SQL
    Qureies and stored procedures on SQL Server and Oracle. Provide test cases and other documents in CMM 5 standards.

    AC 21 Job Title: Lead Software Engineer

    Job Desc:

    Formulates/defines system scope and objectives for assigned projects.
    Devises or modifies procedures to solve complex problems considering
    computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time and form of
    desired results. Prepares detailed specifications from which programs will
    be written. Responsible for program design, coding, testing, debugging and
    documentation. Duties include instructing, directing and checking the work
    of other systems analysis and programming personnel. Responsible for
    quality assurance review. May be responsible for project completion and
    user satisfaction.

    5+ years of analysis, design and development experience in enterprise scale
    business application using Java,Websphere and SQL in a team and structured
    Code in Java using J2EE standard, WebSphere application server
    Code using SQL in RDBMS environmen
    Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

    Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, SQL Server, Websphere or Weblogic

    B.S. or M.S. Degree in Computer Science or related fields

    I am changing the jobs come what may after 180 days and decided not to worry about as future employer is sponsering the H1.

    Here are the details of GC

    PD : SEP 2004 EB3 INDIA
    140 approved
    485 filed on july 2nd and counting the 180 days :)

    just do it guys , we think too much about this BS and lose happiness in the end do whatever make you happy now. If we have to leave we have to leave. If you consider yourself a sucess in america, you would be in your home country too :)

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  • krishmunn
    01-18 10:54 AM
    I dont think it is reasonable amount if it is 15k then why the employer will bother for a H1 in the first place in this volatile economy...I think it is around 4000k etc

    4K (I am sure you meant 4 K not 4000 K :) ) is also high. Most Attorneys like Khanna, Murthy charge between 2 - 3 K.

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  • raj1998
    04-13 09:58 AM
    You can take any position anywhere with anyone...H1B is only if you want to work in the US

    You dont have to be physically present in US. One can join a company in US on H1 and work any where else through that employer

    09-21 07:00 PM
    Thanks for information.

    04-22 08:29 PM
    Has anybody got any experience where an approved 140 was revoked by employer. The 485 is pending.

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